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Ferns and moss

the gardens

The Arboretum at South is best known for its conifer collections: the Coenosium Rock Garden, the Milton Sutton Conifer Gardens and the Sequoia Grove. In 2014, the American Conifer Society designated the Arboretum as one of its Western Region Reference Gardens, giving national recognition to these gardens. 

Coenosium Rock Garden at South Seatte College

Coenosium Rock Garden

This treasure of the Arboretum contains hundreds of unusual conifers, in a wealth of colors and varieties, parted by a

naturalistic stream.

The Arboretum also features views of downtown Seattle and of the Seattle Chinese Garden. Specialty gardens feature roses, shade plants, rhododendrons, maples and more.  Come take a stroll and discover what has been called "West Seattle's hidden gem."

Entry Garden

A display of beds and soft

lawn includes a great variety of trees,

shrubs and perennials. Four paths branch

out into the rest of the gardens. Find events and a map posted in the kiosk.

Entry Garden at the Arboretum at South Seattle College

Helen Sutton

Rose Garden


Roses  bask in large raised beds,

and new shade structures provide

spots to enjoy them in this

popular legacy garden.

Helen Sutton Rose Garden at South Seattle Collge



This website was created by the Arboretum Advisory Committee, a volunteer organization, with permission from South Seattle College.
Maintained by student interns

6000 16th Ave SW

Seattle, Washington

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