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New Interpretive Signs Are Installed in the Arboretum

Thanks to a generous donation from the West Seattle Garden Tour, we have five new signs in the Arboretum. Look for them at the entry to the Arboretum, in the Erickson Garden, next to the Sequoia Grove, along the path near the Helen Sutton Rose Garden and at the south entry to the Coenosium Rock Garden.

Terrie Shattuck, a former Arboretum intern and graduate of South’s Landscape Horticulture program, created graphics and text for the signage, which SeaReach Ltd of Oregon fabricated. Members of the Arboretum’s Advisory Committee assisted Brett Cureton with the installation. And the West Seattle Garden Tour’s gift made it all possible!


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This website was created by the Arboretum Advisory Committee, a volunteer organization, with permission from South Seattle College.
Maintained by student interns

6000 16th Ave SW

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