Amid the Pandemic In the Arboretum
Have you noticed any changes happening since March 2020? We didn't open back up for visitors till September 2020. A lot has changed! At the entry of the Arboretum, our Design class removed an overgrown Rock Rose bush near our signage and re-did the "Tropical Fusion" garden. In addition, about 90 new rose varietals were added to the rose garden. We have put up some caution tape up in the sensory garden as there is currently an active hornet nest, and there is also a beehive near the grassy area in the border of arborvitae--thus we highly suggest steering clear of the taped off areas. You may have also noticed some tree die back around the Arboretum, but we are taking advantage of these unfortunate deaths to change them into habitat trees. They will soon be homes for bugs, birds, and fungi. These habitat trees are crucial for creating biodiversity within our Arboretum. We do continue to ask you to please wear a mask when in proximity of others, and please continue to keep pets on leashes as we have seen an increase of remnants from dogs being off-leash. We will be having a Garden Center sale on September 11th from 10am-3pm, cash and check only. You are welcome to click the Facebook or Instagram shortcuts on our webpage to see some visual updates regularly... We would also love to hear what you have to say, so don't be shy and feel free to message us!